The Popper Acquisition...
In January 2008, Specialty Blades, Inc. and its medical device division IncisionTech completed the acquisition of Popper and Sons, Inc.. The acquisition of Popper, a leading specialty needle and metal tubing manufacturing company, made the combined company one of the leading contract surgical manufacturers of cutting and piercing devices for the medical device industry. It also paved the way for the creation of the Cadence Science division that was focused on lab and analytical science applications, such as fluid delivery.
"This acquisition supports our strategy of focusing the value we bring to medical device companies on improving devices through functional expertise. While we now have one of the broadest arrays of manufacturing capabilities, our unique value proposition lies in our ability to work with OEMs to enhance the performance of their instrumentation, leading to better outcomes for patients" said President and CEO Peter Harris. "From laser cutting and welding to CNC sharpening to EDM to tubing fabrication to electrochemistry, we believe we are the only tier one device manufacturer with such focused functional device expertise, differentiating us from other contract manufacturing generalists."